Sydney Stereo Camera Club
  1. Meetings
  2. Program
  3. Competitions
  4. Images
  5. Southern Cross
  6. Articles
  7. Convention
  8. Membership

The Sydney Stereo Camera Club brings together a diverse group of stereo photography enthusiasts. Club members meet regularly to share their skills.

A digital stereo projector is set up at each meeting to show off 3D photographs provided by SSCC members and by other affiliated clubs.

Our meetings occur on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, except December, at the Drummoyne Municipality Senior Citizens' Centre, 422 Lyons Road, Five Dock. Meetings commence at 8pm and conclude about 10.15pm.

This is the date of the next meeting. Visitors are always welcome—attendance is free.

A virtual meeting is also held at 7pm (Sydney time) on the Thursday following the Club meeting - please contact the Club for an invite if you do not live in Sydney.

Here is a YouTube video containing some 3D images from club members. It can be viewed in 2D or in 3D anaglyph mode using red/cyan glasses. Youtube video

Contact the club

You can also view images from Club members on Facebook and Instagram by using the following links:

Facebook Instagram