The Sydney Stereo Camera Club is fortunate to have many very knowledgeable members who are happy to share their techniques and experiences with the broader 3D community.
Some of these articles have previously appeared in the club bulletin.
Files of interest to members are stored in the club's on-line group
You will be invited to join this group when you become a member of the Sydney Stereo Camera Club.
On joining, you will be included on the web-based mailing list and you will be able to download current and back issues of 3D Window, the club's bi-monthly bulletin.
Information Pack Close-Up 3D with a Lumix 3D Lens
Ray Moxom 3D Window
Bulletin Number 271
July 2020 A History of VR in Austalia
Carlton Wright 3D Flyer
Carlton Wright Samsung NX1000 Twin Rigs
Ray Moxom Beginers Guide to Stereo Photo Maker
David Starkman
Information Pack Close-Up 3D with a Lumix 3D Lens
Ray Moxom 3D Window
Bulletin Number 271
July 2020 A History of VR in Austalia
Carlton Wright 3D Flyer
Carlton Wright Samsung NX1000 Twin Rigs
Ray Moxom Beginers Guide to Stereo Photo Maker
David Starkman
One of the Club's members, Christopher Jones, has produced a script (in Python) that will convert a series of side-by-side stereo images into a series of single anaglyph images above universal (LRL) views. Right click on the image below to download a ZIP file containing both the executable script and user guide (use the "Save link as" option). The program has recently been upgraded to use 4:4:4 sub-sampling which improves the quality of jpeg files.